Wednesday, 23 November 2011

group project

Our group film project was based on the notion of raising the question:
"At what age is it appropriate to give children coffee?"

Secondary Research (briefly) revealed mixed answers yet to not the extent of certainty. From internet research, although many agreed that the appropriate age would be children commencing secondary education (yr.7) in which is 13-14yrs, others argued that there is no severe problems of introducing coffee to a child at a young age because we (parents) already pump in caffeine and sugar to children with products such as 'Pop' or 'Coca Cola' therefore coffee is harmless as there are no illegal age limits based on it.

Also some parents turn to coffee as an alternative treatment for children with ADD, ADHD or obstinate-defiant syndrome as it is successful in keeping them calm.

Primary Research - We took the streets of Greenwich and asked a few people about what they thought was the appropriate age to give children coffee. Results were similar to that of our secondary research however our group had reinforced the very fact that 'Coke' or 'Pop' contains caffeine and more sugar than coffee whereby the interviewed audience were forced to reconcile with the statement. It was also interesting to find that Costa, the prominent coffee/cafĂ© franchise has a party package for children.